
A tcl/tk package to create pie menus

What is a pie menu?

A menu widget with a circular or elliptical shape.

Here are some screenshots of pie menus created with this package:

a 3 slice piemenu with icons

With image symbols

a 6 slice piemenu without center button

With missing elements

Elliptical shape and tearoff button

Elliptical shape and tearoff button

Showdial on, slices=10, round tearoff button

Showdial on, slices=10, round tearoff button


The command piemenu is called as follows:

piemenu pathName ?option ?value option value?

If the pathName provided is a child of a canvas window, the piemenu will be drawn on the canvas. Otherwise a new toplevel window will be created from the pathName, with the piemenu inside it.

The entries in a piemenu can be:


The piemenu project is hosted in sourceforge.net with a BSD license. You can download it, see some more screenshots or read the manual.


Bug reports and patches are welcome.
© 2007, Dmitrios Zachariadis